Public Records Request Form

Sample Public Records Request


[Name of Custodian of Records]
[Name of Public Governmental Body]
[Mailing Address]

Re:   Request for Access to Public Records


A.  Written Request for Public Records.  

This letter will serve as my written request under the Missouri Sunshine Law, Sec. 610.010 R.S.Mo. (2011), for access to certain public records maintained by you as the Custodian of Records for [Name of Public Governmental Body].

B.  Documents Requested.

Request is hereby made for the production of the following public records, to wit:

(1)  Correspondence.  Any and all correspondence between ABC Consultant and [Public Governmental Body] or any member thereof, including, but not limited to, letters, e-mails, memorandum and other documents relating to Project 123 sent or received from [start date] to [end date].

(2)  Proposals.  Any and all proposals, projections, scope of work, statement of qualifications or other bid documents, including amendments thereto, submitted by ABC Consultant to [Public Governmental Body] relating to Project 123.

(3)  [Insert Additional Document Requests]

C.  Waiver of Production Fees / Estimate of Production Fees.

Request is hereby made for the waiver of all research, production and photocopying charges associated with this request on the following grounds:  

(1)  I am a citizen and taxpayer of [Public Governmental Body].

(2)  I am requesting public records in good faith and for my personal use.

(3)  Project 123 is a matter of general interest of the public and the production of the requested public records is likely to contribute significantly to public understanding of the operation and/or activities of [Public Governmental Body] relating to Project 123.

(4)  The production of the requested public records without requiring the payment of research, production and photocopying charges furthers the public policy interests in and to transparency in government operations and is authorized under Sec. 610.026 R.S.Mo. (2011).

In the alternative, if the request for waiver of fees is denied, request is hereby made for a written estimate of all research, production and photocopying charges associated with the processing of this written request for public records.  The written estimate of fee may be sent by mail to:  [mailing address], by facsimile to:  [facsimile number] or by e-mail to:  [e-mail address].

D.  Request to Proceed - Guaranteed Payment.

Provided that the written estimate of fees does not exceed the aggregate total of $______, you are requested to proceed with the processing of this public records request, including the production and photocopying of the requested public records.  Payment of fees not in excess of $_______ is hereby guaranteed.  

If payment is required before production and photocopying of the requested public records can proceed, please contact me immediately at [insert telephone number] to provide me with the final cost estimate.  In addition, please confirm the methods of payment accepted by your office as well as any other special payment instructions.

E.  Response Deadline.  

It is my understanding that you will produce the requested public records on or before [third business day after request is made].  If you are unable to comply with this statutory deadline, please provide me with a written statement of the specific reasons why the documents cannot be produced within this time frame as well as the date and time when it is anticipated that the public records will be available for inspection.  In addition, to the extent that any of the requested public records are deemed by you to be closed records exempt from public disclosure, please identify the document (by date and title) and cite the specific statutory citation authorizing the exemption of the public record from public disclosure.  

If you need any additional information to process this public records request, please contact me immediately at [telephone number] or by e-mail to [e-mail address].  Thank you in advance for your prompt attention to this matter.

[signature block]